Chex Mix Bars Birthday Cake

Name: Chex Mix Bars Birthday Cake
Made in: USA
Bought in: USA
Weight: 6x32g bars

So Chex is a breakfast cereal. Some genius realised that if they got that cereal and shoved it in a bag with some other rubbish, you could sell it as Chex Mix. And then another genius at General Mills HQ realised that if you got that mix, added something sticky (and largely undefined on the packet) and squished it into a bar shape, you had a Chex Mix Bar.

A very brightly coloured collection of cereal rubbish

What you end up with is something that looks like some shreddies and rice crispies had a guest appearance on the Hydraulic Press Channel. And then the bottom is coated in some “confectionary coating” according to the pack. Now spelling it with an “a” suggests it is related to the cake type of confectionary, but I disagree – it tastes like white chocolate and so should be spelt with an “e”.

The sprinkles are a good size and bright in colour and the bars are very tasty – there’s a good vanilla flavour, although slightly muted by the pretzels which offer a salty hit that’s not really ideal for a Birthday cake flavour. I’d also say that I’d expect something calling itself birthday cake to have a more uniform texture. These are a bit too crunchy and awkward to really be proper birthday cake. Birthday cakes should not stab my palate.

I can’t complain though – these are nice treats, and they have managed to bring a birthday cake feel to what is undoubtedly a bit of a weird product, presumably invented when they raided the bin at the cereal factory after someone had accidentally poured a bucket of glue in it.

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Cake-o-meter: 🎂🎂🎂

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