Belle Meringue Birthday Cake Meringues

Name: Belle Meringue Birthday Cake Meringues
Made in: USA
Bought in: UK
Weight: 75g

Belle is a French word meaning “attractive”, “cute” or “appealing”. And I suppose, to look at, these meringues are all of those things. Pretty little pink splodges with brightly coloured sprinkles on top.

Belle does not mean they taste nice. Which is good, cause that would be very false advertising. They smell a little like artificial vanilla and weirdness, and they taste like sugar and weirdness.

The texture also is almost as though you described meringues to someone – they’ve got that crisp outside you’d expect, but it’s far too thick and the inside therefore is hard rather than gungy or particularly airy. They’re almost more like cakes than meringues.

I think this is the first item that I’ve reviewed where I actually can’t finish the packet, and that’s saying something cause there’s really not that many.

Rating: (nil)
Cake-o-meter: 🎂

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