Birthday Cake Choc Nibbles

Name: Sweet Dreams Birthday Cake Choc Nibbles
Description: Chocolate, Caramel and Cake Flavoured Confectionery Emblazoned with Sugar Sprinkles
Made in: UK
Bought in: UK

Sometimes you are given a product and you’re not really sure what to make of it. That’s certainly the case with these “Choc Nibbles”.

I think we are best taking a look at this intriguing product.

Yes. Appetising.

The closest thing I can suggest they taste like is the old candy cigarettes – that sort of soft but hard, sweet but chalky taste, infused with – depending on the “nibble” you get – caramel flavour or just generic cheap chocolate flavour. They’re not awful, but you wouldn’t want a lot of them.

There are also random sugary lumps inside, and according to the ingredients, a rather surprisingly high amount of flour, of the wheat, wholewheat, oat and maize varieties.

Ingredients Book

But on reading those ingredients, the true nature of the product seems to come clear. It’s clearly all the bits of stuff left over at the end of the day in some chocolate biscuit factory somewhere. Mush them all together, extrude them into a log and you have a… product.

Anyhow, I don’t know if they make non-Birthday Cake choc nibbles, but if they do, they couldn’t be much less Birthday Cake than these, and so win a coveted zero on the Cake-o-meter.

Rating: ⭐️⭐️

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